The Wuthering Waves Depths of Illusive Realm is a brutal challenge for seasoned players, testing your mastery of Echoes and strategic thinking.

One of the crucial decisions you’ll face within this realm is selecting the right metaphor to enhance your Echo’s stats.

This ONE Esports guide delves into Key of Tremor, a metaphor designed to supercharge your Echo’s potential.

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We explore what Key of Tremor offers, how it integrates into your combat strategy within the Depths, and which Echoes benefit most from this electrifying boost.

So, if you’re ready to unleash the fury of lightning and dominate your foes, then step right up, Rovers.

What is Wuthering Waves Depths of Illusive Realm?

Deep within the world of Wuthering Waves lies the Depths of Illusive Realm, a hidden dimension unlocked for those who have mastered the basics of combat.

This endgame challenge throws players into a series of increasingly difficult battles, testing their skills and pushing their Resonators to the limit.

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Unlike the open world, where enemies are predictable, the Depths are a realm of constant flux. Each level throws unique adversaries your way, demanding strategic adaptation and mastery of your Resonator’s diverse abilities.

You might face hordes of nimble enemies best countered by swift attacks, or lumbering behemoths requiring a more defensive approach.

What are metaphors in the Wuthering Waves Depths of Illusive Realm?

Before entering each challenge floor in Depths of Illusive Realm, you’ll be presented with a selection of “metaphors.” These aren’t metaphors in the traditional sense, but rather power-ups with evocative names.

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Choosing the right metaphor depends on your Echo’s strengths and weaknesses, and the enemies you anticipate facing.

What is Key of Tremor in Wuthering Waves?

In Wuthering Waves, Key of Tremor is a power-up you can find in the Depths of the Illusive Realm. It’s not literally a key, but rather a way to boost your Electro power.

When you use Key of Tremor, it automatically adds three points to your Echo’s Electro element. An Echo is a type of equipment in the game, allowing Rovers and Resonators to transform and gain stat boosts.

Key of Tremor in Wuthering Waves
Credit: MonkeyKingHero

Key of Tremor is helpful if you want to strengthen your Echo’s Electro abilities. This can be especially beneficial for certain Echoes, like Thundering Memphis, Tempest Memphis, and Crownless.

It is important to note that Key of Tremor is just one option in the Depths of the Illusive Realm. There might be other power-ups available that are better suited for your current situation, depending on what element your Echo needs most.

How to get Key of Tremor in Wuthering Waves

While navigating the Depths of Illusive Realm, you won’t find the Key of Tremor lying around or by defeating specific enemies.

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Instead, you’ll encounter a mysterious creature called Strange White Cat at certain points. This feline benefactor offers you a chance to pick one of three random metaphors to enhance your Echo.

The catch is that the metaphors offered by the Strange White Cat are random. The Key of Tremor might not be available every time you encounter the cat.

So, you might need to talk to the cat a few times or progress further into the Depths before you find the specific metaphor you seek.

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