Fearless Draft has been put in place in various challengers leagues like in South Korea’s LCK CL and China’s LDL.

Of course, we’ve also seen it used casually in fun modes and offseason tournaments.

Gen.G winning MSI 2024, a featured image for ONE Esports article "LoL Esports 2025 is unlike anything you’ve seen before — biggest, most unprecedented changes"
Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games
LoL Esports 2025 is unlike anything you’ve seen before — biggest, most unprecedented changes

This is why 2025 is a true game-changer. For the first time, Tier-1 League of Legends esports tournaments will officially adopt the format.

Specifically, the new third international LoL esports tournament happening in March 2025, will see “a version of Fearless Draft” implemented, Riot Games stated.

What is Fearless Draft?

LDL Fearless pick and ban draft mode in game 2 of UP Academy vs. Young Miracles
Screenshot by Amanda Tan/ONE Esports

The League of Legends Development League (LDL) is a tier below China’s League of Legends Pro League (LPL). Since Week 5 of LDL Summer 2022, they’ve adopted this pick and ban format which we wrote about here.

In game one, the standard draft plays out. Nothing is changed.

In game two, any champions utilized in the first game are prohibited from selection by the same team — but the opposing team retains the option to pick them.

LDL Fearless mode during draft in WE Academy vs. Royal Club match game three
Screenshot by Amanda Tan/ONE Esports

Should the series extend to a third game, all champions featured in the first two games will be collectively unavailable, with the same exception applying.

Riot Games stated that “a version” of this will be seen at the new international tournament in March 2025, so expect some changes to the rules.

Why implement Fearless Draft? Who does it benefit?

LoL Esports is witnessing a groundbreaking development with the introduction of a new draft format, marking the first significant change at the highest level of competition in quite some time.

Tristana, Malphite, Ekko, Katarina, and Morgana in ONE Esports featured image for article "Exclusive: Why is League of Legends solo queue and pro play so different? It’s not what you think"
Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games
Exclusive: Why is League of Legends solo queue and pro play so different? It’s not what you think

The introduction of the Fearless draft mode introduces diversity in team compositions, compelling each team to select different champions in every game, thus enhancing viewer interest. In other words, LoL Esports fans won’t be seeing the same meta champions appear in every game repeatedly.

This shift also necessitates teams to adopt more strategic approaches. By the third game, a total of 15 champions are entirely off-limits.

While the draft mode may be fresher in a PC game like League of Legends, it’s a familiar concept in mobile gaming.

SKT Telecom T1 Faker at Worlds 2013 posing at the Staples Center in ONE Esports featured image for article "Faker’s full list of podium finishes throughout his long League of Legends career"
Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games
Faker’s full list of podium finishes throughout his long League of Legends career

Arena of Valor, another title under Tencent’s umbrella, has employed a similar Fearless Draft mode known as the “Global Ban Pick rule” since 2019, aimed at enhancing competitive dynamics within the professional scene.

The rule comes into effect during best-of-seven matches when the series extends to the sixth game. However, in the seventh game, the rule is lifted, allowing all heroes to be eligible for selection.

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